Joe’s caving gear
Hey! Hardy here. I’m the webmaster of AtTheCircus. But right now I’m going to sing my own praises in showing you the props I created for THE LIVING DARK. It started in July when I helped Circus submit an audition tape for the movie; I felt that such a strong character should have equally distinctive gear. When the producers decided from the tape that they’d found the right “Joe”, I kept pestering Circus to ask them if I could design the gear -- I actually offered to do it simply for the credit. They accepted my offer and I got busy. Very busy. So busy that now you understand why there weren’t the usual monthly updates about Circus’ prep for the movie... I was too occupied with my own.
I finished in time and Circus lugged the props on the plane to Arkansas. The ladder which took about 40 man hours to build almost got scratched in deference to an actual rope/wood ladder which Circus tells me weighed about 40 pounds despite being an unusable mere six feet long. My ladder was the only alternative out there on location, so that’s what you’ll see used in the movie (Circus tells me it’s in so many shots that it’s unlikely to be edited out). My ladder is a star!
28’ Ladder in progress -- hand braided of plastic grocery bags. Separate rungs were braided first, then incorporated as the stringers were created. Also used parts of a milk crate. I got blisters on my fingers!
Assorted gear includes olive oil can lantern, beater digging tool, and the knee-pads made from inner tube, tomato cans, carpet padding.